Sustainable Business Development

In Uganda

Entrepreneurship in Uganda


Uganda is emerging, but agribusiness is underdevelopedwhich leaves room for sustainable business opportunities with impact on food security and on sustainability. Therefore, developing the agribusiness sector leads to less risks and better conditions to credit providers. Opportunities Well developed regarding food security. Politically stable. The possible positive impact on food security issues and malnutrition are high in Uganda. Challenge Malnutrition accounts for 40% of all child deaths inUganda (Bridge, et al, 2006). The agricultural growth is 3% however the population grows with 3,5%.

Possible improvements

Increase production to increase income, infrastructurehas to be improved; quality of protein has to be better. Sector selection The choice for one sector was made based on several studies, international indexes like DuPont and the contribution to food security of the sector.

Value chain vegetables production Uganda

Businesscase #1

“I am looking for companies that will guide us in expanding our fruit and vegetable production and yet retain food security, particularly among smallholder farmers in Busoga Region”

Businesscase #2

“Our impact on food security is that we make sure farmers are doing a lot of intercropping in food crops. This is mandatory, because it is of no use if the farmer produces for sales when he is not feeding himself.

Businesscase #3

“The way the world is heading, Africa is becoming the food basket for the world. We want to work with somebody who will be able to walk with us all the way to delivery in EU markets.

Businesscase #4

“Our efforts are focused on improving production, in order to increase harvests from the farmer fields. This has impact on food security: there will be food to eat ánd there will be a surplus for the markets. Then the farmer has an income”

Businesscase #5

“We know that the potential in this country is high. We already invested in six collection centers in the clusters of farmers, using a grant from the Netherlands Embassy”

Businesscase #6

“We want to present a factory that is big and meeting the demands of the market with different products that come from the farms of the local communities here. And that is the grand vision that we have”

Businesscase #7

“We produce fruit and vegetables with smallholders that are certified or in the process of certification. To expand our business and improve solar drying, we are looking for a partner to come and upscale our production systems”

Businesscase #8

“We are looking for a partner that can grow with us. I would be happy to see that we are working with over 1000 farmers, and all of them are supplying fruits, to an exemplary factory like ours ”

Businesscase #9

“We went to the Biofach trade fair in Germany and took our products with us. Since then we have had sufficient demands which we cannot meet, because they are asking for containers!”